Friday, October 29, 2010

Updates 10/29

Hello everyone,

We have been doing some great things in Astronomy! We are just finishing up a unit on space exploration. Students have learned about the Hubble Space Telescope and future telescopes to be built, the Apollo Missions, the Space Shuttle Program, the International Space Station, and what it's like to live, eat, play, and work in space. The students were given the opportunity to analyze the Challenger and Columbia Space Shuttle disasters and compare them to each other. Most exciting was our guest speaker, Mr. Gregory Cecil, former senior aerocomposite technician for the space shuttle fleet at Kennedy Space Center

This picture shows Ms. Sosnoski, Mr. Cecil, and 6th period astronomy class. The students asked some excellent questions! Our class had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Cecil before his presentation, and we learned some very valuable information. In the presentation, Mr. Cecil talked about the details of working on the space shuttle, why students should focus on their education, and how he got to be where he is today.