Wednesday, December 15, 2010


In astronomy class, we have been discussing constellations and stars. We have taken a "tour" around the winter sky and discovere the stories behind many constellations as well as how to find them in the night sky. We have learned how to navigate using the North Star as well. Now, we are discussing stars--how they are made, the different types of stars, how star color relates to star temperature, etc. Students will soon be completing a project where they create their own constellations, create a story to tell how the constellation came about, and tell the properties of the stars in their constellations. I'm excited to see what the students create!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Space Shuttle Tile being sent to SHS!

RELEASE : 10-317
NASA Offers Space Shuttle Tiles To Schools And Universities
WASHINGTON -- As the Space Shuttle Program nears retirement, NASA is looking for ways to preserve the program's history and inspire the next generation of space explorers, scientists and engineers. Beginning Wednesday, NASA is offering 7,000 shuttle heat shield tiles to schools and universities that want to share technology and a piece of space history with their students.

The lightweight tiles protect the shuttles from extreme temperatures when the orbiters re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. Schools can request a tile at:

Ms. Sosnoski just sent a request in for SHS to receive a shuttle tile! It should arrive by the end of the year