Monday, September 13, 2010

What's going on in Astronomy so far?

Well, it's almost the third week of school, and we're just getting into the good stuff!

In astronomy class, we started talking about the nature of science and how we are often fooled by claims we see on TV or in magazines. Students need to be aware that everything they hear regarding science is not true, and that theories about astronomy could be totally different years from now. After that, we talked about the IMMENSE size of the universe. We compared the size of our planet to other objects in space, and everyone was blown away that we are so tiny! We did a "cosmic survey," where students put pictures of space objects in order by age, size, and distance from earth, based on their previous knowledge. We then watched a video called Greatest Astronomy discoveries, which discussed the 13 greatest discoveries in astronomy. With this and a webquest, we delved into the history of astronomy. Students were assigned two projects based on this:

Create a "facebook" profile for a famous astronomer (due
Write a news article about one of the 13 greatest discoveries as if the discovery was made today

Note: Both these assignments are due by wednesday, 9/29

On friday, students were challenged to create a model of the universe using a variety of supplies, in less than 30 minutes! This will lead into a discussion about how their models are accurate, what misconceptions they may have about the universe, and will lead into our next unit about space exploration. At the end of the semester, students will be challenged to do this again with the knowledge they've gained throughout the semester.

Assignments students should have turned in so far:

Parent letter and other introductory material
Cosmic Survey
M& M lab
History of Astronomy packet

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